ATV Accident Lawyer

What are ATVs?
ATV stands for all-terrain vehicle. ATVs are either three- or four-wheel vehicles used for recreation and outdoor activities.

What are the statistics on ATV accidents?
According to the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC), over 500 people died from ATV accidents in 2005, and over 140,000 people were treated for injuries sustained in an ATV accident.

What causes ATV accidents?
ATV accidents are usually caused by their riders driving too fast and not wearing helmets. ATVs can be very fun recreational vehicles, but just like any other vehicle, there are safety procedures and if they are not followed, an accident usually results. ATVs are being made stronger, heavier and can travel much faster. Most accidents occur when ATVs flip over or collide with something.

Who rides ATVs?
Children are the largest percentage of ATV riders and over 100 children died from ATV accidents in 2005. ATVs can be very fun for children, but when they do not operate them properly, catastrophe results.

What kinds of injuries do ATV accidents cause?
ATV accidents have resulted in a number of different injuries, including traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries.

How can I prevent being involved in an ATV accident?
If you or your children ride ATVs, be sure to drive slower and wear a helmet. If your children are riding the ATVs, make sure an adult always supervises them. It is also advisable that you enroll your child in an ATV operating class before letting them drive one.

Are there laws regulating ATV riders?
Unfortunately, no. Many states do not have any minimum age requirements or helmet laws in place regarding ATV riders.

If you have been injured or someone you love has died in an ATV accident, please contact a personal injury ATV accident attorney in your area today.

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