Bike Injury Lawyers

Monday, March 8, 2010

Educate Cyclists and Motorists

Education can be a powerful tool for changing behavior and improving safety skills. Bicyclists and motorists alike can benefit from educational tools and messages that teach them the rules, rights, and responsibilities of various modes of travel.

There are major differences in the bicycling abilities, behavioral patterns, and learning capacities of different groups of bicyclists and other road users. For example, children have different physical and psychological abilities than adult bicyclists, young drivers exhibit different behaviors and driving skills than older drivers, and college age bicyclists may be reached through educational outlets that differ from those of other groups. Because of this, educational programs need to be tailored to the specific audiences they intend to address and to the behaviors they seek to modify.

Enforcing traffic laws and regulating bicyclists, motorists, and other roadway users is a key element for ensuring a safe and healthy bicycling environment. Enforcement programs can be used to educate roadway users about the traffic laws that govern them; serve as periodic reminders to obey traffic rules; encourage safer behaviors; and monitor and protect public spaces. They can also help reinforce and support educational programs and messages.

For many communities, the first step for building an enforcement program lies in reviewing and modifying laws and policies affecting bicyclists. It is critical that effective procedures are in place for handling violators and for training law enforcement officers.

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a bicycle accident, you may have a valid legal personal injury claim and should contact an experienced bicycle accident attorney in your area today.

posted by Erica at 8:35 AM


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