Bike Injury Lawyers

Friday, January 8, 2010

How to Avoid the “Right Hook” Collision

While riding a bicycle on a warm spring day can be an exhilarating and fun experience, there are many more dangers in riding a bicycle than in riding in a passenger vehicle, for the obvious reason that cyclists have nothing protecting them from the hard surfaces of the road and cars. Bike accidents, for this very reason, often result in serious injuries and death because the riders are so vulnerable to the environment surrounding them.

The "right hook" collision occurs when a passenger vehicle passes a bike and then tries to make a right turn directly in front of the bike, or it turns right into you. There are steps to take to avoid this collision.

Drivers in passenger vehicles may not think you're going very fast on your bike, and they may think they have plenty of time to pass you. The right hook collision is very difficult to avoid because the cyclist is not seen until the very last second, often when it's too late.

To avoid a right hook collision, a cyclist should:

  • Avoid riding on the sidewalk. When you come off the sidewalk to cross the street, you are invisible to motorists.
  • Ride to the left. Taking up the whole lane makes it harder for drivers to pass you to cut you off or turn into you. If the lane you are riding in is not wide enough for cars to pass you safely, then you should take up the whole lane.
  • Look in your mirror before approaching an intersection. Be sure to look in your mirror well in advance of arriving at the intersection. As you go through the intersection, you must pay careful attention to what is in front of you

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a bicycle accident, you may have a valid legal personal injury claim and should contact an experienced bicycle accident attorney in your area today.

posted by Erica at 8:32 AM


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